カナダ/モントリオール拠点のミュージシャン・プロデューサーの Megan Ennenbergによるソロプロジェクト MEGGOが、1/22にBadass & Wholesome ProductionsからリリースしたデビューEP『eavesdropper ;; death stories』より、'sylvia's place ;; tricks'を公開!
オルタナティヴポップバンド FLEECEのメンバーによるオルタナフォーク。
愛犬 Laikaが亡くなった直後に書いたというEP1曲目。このEP自体はここ数年で亡くなった友人たちに捧げられたものとなってます。
“I wrote this song right after we had to put Laika down. She was the best little friend– came to every band practice, was such an epic buddy, and taught me so many tricks; how loving, and loving well, feeds us; how innately we understand and respond viscerally to love; how it helps us be healthy. I hardly play the piano, but I sat down at one at my friend Sylvia’s place and wrote, and the tune opens with the moment I found the melody. The track is full of sounds from a goodbye party we threw for her, with friends laughing and crying and jamming, sometimes all three at once, with Laika right in the middle eating spaghetti smothered in bacon fat, seeming quite content and completely oblivious. That raw real visual is the heart of this song, and the EP as a whole – it’s about being present enough to notice fleeting moments, about holding sadness and joy in the same breath.” – MEGGO