ミシガン州拠点のマルチインストゥルメンタリスト・ソングライター Andrew Dost (Fun.)によるバンド Metal Bubble Trioが、1/17にリリースしたデビューアルバム『Cucumber』より、'Holding Onto feat. theMIND'のMVを公開!
ディレクターは Brian Michael Raetz。
今回のMVはシカゴ拠点のラッパー theMINDを迎えた楽曲。
Fun.のメンバーというよりは今や"Bleachersの"と言ったほうが伝わりやすそうな活躍をみせているのが恐ろしい Jack Antonoff、その彼とバンドを組み共にTOP10チャートを賑わせ続けている Evan Smith (Taylor Swift, Sabrina Carpenter, Kendrick Lamar)がサックスを演奏するほか、Matt Joynt (ex-Anathallo), Chris Hatfield (Love Axe), Jordan “Bootstraps” Beckett, Seth Bernard, Woman Believerなどが参加。
“While I can’t speak as much to the lyrical content of this one, as the lyrics were written entirely by theMIND, I can say that I built the instrumental in hopes of capturing a summer feeling. Energized but a bit relaxed, melancholy but joyful; ultimately I wanted a good beat and some fun instrumentation. I asked my former bandmate Matt Joynt if he had ideas for a collaborator, and he gave the song to theMIND and they recorded the vocals together. I’m so grateful to both of them for putting their time and talents into this song, it has become a favorite on the album. Evan Smith also chipped in some great sax playing.”