ワシントン州シアトル拠点のインディーポップバンド The Floor Is Not Lavaが、11/22にリリースしたニューシングル 'Naked'を公開!
The Floor Is Not Lavaは Sean Hampton, Ahmed Latif, Walter Le Duy, Faith Beckerの4人組。
2022年に結成し、今年1月にデビューシングル 'Paul the Scientist'を発表したニューカマー。コーラスのメロディーと徐々に熱を帯びていくボーカルが素晴らしいです。
“I wrote this song during a period of my life when I was a little less than freshly single from a 5 year relationship. It was a tough break up but also a liberating freeing experience to get out of something so toxic. I didn't actually realize I was not living for myself for the last 5 years but for someone else. So Naked is about being free, being selfish, not having obligations like a partner or kids, but getting to truly just vibe with yourself.”