アイルランド/ダブリン拠点のポストパンク・アーティスト Skinnerが、10/10にFaction Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Geek Love'のMVを公開!
マルチインストゥルメンタリスト・シンガー・プロデューサー Aaron Corcoranによるプロジェクト。
ライブ時は5人編成で活動し、これまでに The Great Escape, Ireland Music Week, Beyond The Pale, All Together Nowなどに出演し、Lime Garden, Dope Lemon, Algiers, Bambara, The Wedding Present, Silverbacksなどのサポートを務めてます。
NO WAVEのモダンな解釈が結果的に00'sダンスパンクと接続する形で急浮上してきている印象。どの曲も初見キラーのライブ映え満点なやつばっか。最高です。
“This song is inspired by one of my favourite books "Geek Love" by Katherine Dunn. It's about a bunch of circus freaks that live in an isolated travelling circus community who never interact with the general public apart from their live shows for fear of harassment and persecution for who they are. I think being a functional member of society can be claustrophobic at the best of times and it's draining to constantly be trying to meet people's standards and fit in if you're different. I liked the book because it celebrates being weird and original instead of always trying to sweep that part of your existence under the carpet. I also think it's quite empowering to be able to make someone uncomfortable by doing nothing more than just being yourself.”