ニューヨーク/ブルックリン拠点のアートロック・ポストパンクバンド BODEGAが、3/20にChrysalis Records Limitedからリリースしたニューシングル 'Cultural Consumer III'のMVを公開!
ディレクターは Luca Balser。
4/12発売のニューアルバム『Our Brand Could Be Yr Life』収録曲。
“The ‘cultural consumer’ is a character who has become essential to my songwriting for BODEGA. 'Cultural Consumer I' was the first song I wrote where I feel like I found the songwriting voice for the band and the ‘cultural consumer’ showed up in the first BODEGA single 'How Did This Happen?!' in 2018. The cultural consumer is a middle class bohemian who is addicted to studying culture (both high art and pop culture) and is thus oppressed by it. In 'Cultural Consumer III' he has become a new ager who is blasting a killer curated playlist in his car on the way to the airport to fly to a meditation retreat in Taiwan. Despite all of his consuming and questing for self-help, unlike Bob Dylan, he has never once ‘gazed upon the chimes of freedom flashing.’ He is just buying crap.” - Ben Hozie