オーストラリア/メルボルン拠点のエモ・オルタナティヴロックバンド Gypsy Roadが、2/16にBeau Mckee Recordingsからリリースしたニューシングル 'The 7 Stages Of Grief'を公開!
Gypsy Roadは Alex Centofanti, Christian Centofanti, James Dagiandasの3人組。
2017年に結成し、これまでに The Smith Street Band, Private Function, The Benniesなどのサポートを務めてます。
'The 7 Stages Of Grief'は近日発売予定のデビューアルバム『Letters To A Friend, From Interstate』収録曲。
“This one is about mourning a breakup and feeling like someone you've loved has died. For the first time ever, we decided to include female vocals and screams, which was a new experience for us. I feel like it adds more depth to the intensity and passion.” - Alex Centofanti