イリノイ州シカゴ拠点のオルタナティヴロックバンド Red Scarvesが、12/11にリリースしたニューシングル 'Runner'のMVを公開!
ディレクターは Olivia Luna。
Red Scarvesは Braden Poole, Ayethaw Tun, Ryan Donlin, Robby Kuntzの4人組。2012年に大学で出会い結成。初期はフォークを演奏し、徐々にロック、ポップ、ジャズ、ポストパンク、プログレの要素を取り入れるようになったとのこと。
メンバー全員が歌詞と音楽を書き、ソングライターがリードを歌うスタイルのバンド。 シカゴのオルタナらしさっていうのはあまりにも抽象的かもしれないけど、バンドでいえば Deeper、レーベルでいえば Trouble In Mindに近い雰囲気を感じますね。とてもかっこいいです。
“When I wrote “Runner,” I was delivering pizza. I was running to my car from a delivery on a cold, dry winter day. The sound my corduroys were making as I was running reminded me of strangers shouting at me to scare me or make fun of me as I ran, which happened kind of often in high school and college. I’ve often felt like I’ve been missing some important detail in understanding other people and social rules. I feel like I have to contort and exert myself in uncomfortable, unnatural ways to accomplish things that seem to come naturally to most. I have strength and kindness, but in a weird, alien way that has to go through a rough translation algorithm to be expressible.”