イングランド/ロンドン出身で現在はエクセターを拠点に活動するオルタナティヴロックバンド Witching Wavesが、11/7にSpecialist Subjectからリリースしたニューシングル 'The Valley'のMVを公開!
Witching Wavesは Emma Wigham, Mark Jasper, Will Fitzpatrickの3人組。
12/1発売のニューアルバム『Streams and Waterways』収録曲。
Soft Powerから出してた過去作もかなりかっこいいのでぜひチェックを。
“We moved to Yorkshire in 2018 as a way to start something entirely new. It was destructive, it broke apart a lot of what we knew. We started to dig in, to focus on what we had, to put together something from the wreckage. This song was written in a fit of energy, the opening riff is just the simplest thing possible, I was barely holding on, I was responding to Emma in the room shouting "it''s getting dark in here..." and smashing her snare drum. It felt primal and jarring.” - Mark Jasper