カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルス拠点のシンガーソングライター・プロデューサー Maisie Mayが、9/22にリリースしたニューシングル 'Small Talk'を公開!
今冬発売予定のEP『All In』収録曲で、共同プロデュースは Aaron Sayre, Kaleb Fulmer。
日記のように言葉を紡ぐ歌と、Output Portalみたいなやつでガンガンいじりまくるトラックの対比。アコースティック要素とエレクトロニック要素をシームレスに融合させるさじ加減がユニークでした。
“To be frank, ’Small Talk’ first came to me in April 2022 when I still lived in the same city as an ex and I was dreading running into them. I still didn’t feel healed enough to give them the energy that I wanted to give them yet. I wrote the first verse pretty quickly and then put a pin in it. Months later, after moving to LA this January I picked up the song again and wrote the second verse on a rainy night with my guitar. The idea of taking an old song, an old feeling, and finishing it with new memories and new growth inside of myself is an incredible feeling. It brings forth a cathartic feeling of closure that I never thought I could give to myself.”
Maisie May