イングランド/ニューカッスル出身のシンガーソングライター Callum Pittが、4/20にリリースしたニューシングル 'More Than This'のMVを公開!
ディレクターは Sel MacLean。
これまでに The Great Escape, Deer Shed, The Long Roadなどのフェスに出演し、Donovan Woods, Adia Victoria, Jordan Mackampa, Cattle & Caneなどと共演してます。
'More Than This'は6/2発売のデビューアルバム『In the Balance』収録曲で、プロデューサーは John Martindale (Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs, The Pale White)。
“It is about staying mentally present rather than always looking to the future or potential better days, making sure to fully value often taken-for-granted time with loved ones and not letting important moments pass me by. Basically trying to take in all the impermanent beauty around me and being more grateful for life. Recent experiences with death have shown me how fragile life is, that time together here is fleeting and could end any day. The song takes solace in being part of something bigger in that we came from the universe and will return to the universe.” - Callum Pitt
Callum Pitt