ペンシルベニア州フィラデルフィア拠点のオルタナティヴロックバンド Grocerが、3/3にGrind SelectからリリースするEP『Scatter Plot』より、'Smooth Operator'のMVを公開!
制作は Nicholas Rahn。
昨年のアルバム『Numbers Game』に続いてワクワクするサウンドですね。
“Smooth Operator, a nod to Sade’s song of the same title, further explores her lyrical concept of a “Western Male” by painting a not-so-smooth picture of the classic disgruntled American man and his daily…hardships. We had fun playing around with various “smooth” elements, like a fretless bass walking pattern, but naturally tried to turn them on their head to make them sound demented, heavy, and dark. The music video was made in classic Grocer style, shot on a phone camera with homemade camera rigs.” - Cody Nelson