イタリア/ローマ出身のインディーポップ・アーティスト Kuniが、1/20にFactory Flawsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Home To Me'を公開!
Kuniはシンガーソングライター Eleonora Daneseによるソロプロジェクト。昨年10月に発表した、Golden Yearsをコラボレーターに迎えたシングル 'Sleep Baby'が良かった人。
“‘Home To Me’ is a very gentle portrait of my feelings every time that a relationship – of any kind – doesn’t turn out very well for me. I know the same happens for each and any of them because I have learned to recognize a pattern over the years. Love, friendship, family: every time I put my hopes in a connection and that connection doesn’t work, I always find myself at home, in my room, on my bed thinking about what went wrong and what mistakes I may have done. I always end up thinking it somehow was my fault. So home, to me, becomes the place I am left alone with the ghosts I have collected and faced during the years, inevitably losing to some of them – today still.” - Kuni