Mary Anne's Polar Rig、'Dopamine Detox'を公開

Mary Annes Polar Rig


スウェーデン/マルメ拠点のファズポップバンド Mary Anne's Polar Rigが、1/11にRama Lama Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Dopamine Detox'を公開!

'Dopamine Detox'は3/24発売のニューアルバム『Makes You Wonder』収録曲。

アルバム収録曲で前回紹介した 'Summer Girl'に続いてかっこいいね!



“I guess the song is a bit of a satirical commentary on the ‘plugged in’ society of today. Our brains have gotten used to a constant stream of entertainment. Sometimes you love it, sometimes you feel trapped in it. The idea of detoxing yourself completely from dopamine seems pretty unrealistic to me but it’s an idea that stuck - what if I just turn it all OFF?” - Malin Hofvander


Live Dates

20/1 Pustervik - Gothenburg
17/2 - The Cavendish Arms - London
18/2 - The Shacklewell Arms - London
23/3 - Medley - Malmö
24/3 - Loppen - Copenhagen

Makes You Wonder
Mary Anne's Polar Rig
Rama Lama