Robin Kester、'Infinity Song'を公開

Robin Kester


オランダ出身のミュージシャン・アーティスト Robin Kesterが、1/6にAT EASEからリリースしたニューシングル 'Infinity Song'を公開!

昨年に取り上げたシングル 'Leave Now'が素晴らしくてしばらく動向を追っていた彼女の新曲。Flock of Seagulls風のドライブ感を DIIV, War on Drugsの音像で包んだような絶妙なさじ加減が光ってますね。

デビューアルバム『Honeycomb Shades』は当初の予定から少しのびて2/24に発売されます。


“Infinity song came about during a time where I was still trying to wrap my head around a series of events that happened in a relatively short time span and had really shaken me: my uncles untimely death, news that my dad had an incurable illness and the covid pandemic. Things had irrevocable changed and I was trying to find ways to accept this new reality on the one hand and feeling more nostalgic than ever as a counter reaction to this. Both feelings seeped into the writing proces, resulting in infinity song.” - Robin Kester


Infinity Song
Robin Kester