LUMER、'English Dream'を公開



イングランド/ハル・レディング拠点のインディーロックバンド LUMERが、11/25にリリースしたニューシングル 'English Dream'を公開!

LUMERは Alex Evans, Ben Jackson, Ben Morrod, William Evansの4人組。これまでに Fat White Family, Thee Oh Sees, Crows, Unschooling, BDRMMなどと共演し、UK/EU各国のフェスに出演。



“English Dream tries to epitomise my cynical view of my country. Why are you supposed to put so much in for very little in return? There is this constant battle, it seems, to find any form of joy in the political and social climate that we are currently surrounded by. I feel that we have to crawl on our knees for our leaders whilst very little is being done in protest from our people” - Alex Evans