Bo Milli、'FOMO'を公開

Bo Milli
Synne Sofi Bønes

ノルウェー/ベルゲンを拠点に活動するインディーロックアーティスト Bo Milliが、11/25にリリースしたニューシングル 'FOMO'を公開!

共同プロデュースに Mikhael Paskalev (Sløtface), Odd Martin (Sigrid, AURORA)が参加した楽曲。青春映画のサントラとして流れていても不思議じゃない瑞々しさです。


“I like writing lyrics that sketch out what someone would say to another person if they were actually honest. In that vein, FOMO is about the breaking point in a casual relationship where I lose my cool — in a very literal sense: while that other person is out partying with cool people, I’m unable to hide my true feelings on the matter, unable to stay emotionally distant and hard-to-get. It’s about losing a game you’ve been engaged in with someone, because you care more. And it’s about the 'fear of missing out' that constant digital insight into other peoples life has fostered.” - Bo Milli