
Joseph Mpalirwa

カナダ/トロント拠点のアーティスト Jozemが、2/25にLiminal dreamsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Goderich'のリリックビデオを公開!

ディレクターは Keita Juma。


'Goderich'は近日発表予定の『it came to me in a dream』収録曲。曲名はトロント近郊にある街 ゴドリッチに由来しており、そこで研修医として働いていたときに制作した楽曲とのこと。


“Goderich is a song about letting go, a song about falling in and out of love with my creative process and realizing that it is in these 'in between' moments of quiet that you will again find the love and inspiration. I wrote it after experiencing a long period of creative block, trying to force things and worrying that I had lost my touch/connection to my creativity then realizing that it was okay to have these moments of drought, and that it was all part of the process. Once I let go, it came back overflowing.”


Liminal dreams