Karl Jakob、'Mayfield Meadows'を公開

Karl Jakob


スウェーデン出身のプロデューサー Karl Jakobが、8/6にリリースしたニューシングル 'Mayfield Meadows'を公開!

これまでに Zekes, The Key Key, Feeliumといったバンドやソロプロジェクトで活動してきたミュージシャンで、2019年発表のEP『Pippi is dead. And we killed her.』が注目を集めました。



“Mayfield Meadows (from the Swedish suburb ”Majåker” outside the small town Lidköping) is the place I spent my first 18 years of life. It is the place of my childhood hopes, dreams and fears. Wherever I go, Mayfield Meadows is the paradise I’m forever looking for, yet will never find; where birds learn to fly, fish learn to swim, and common ground is all around. A piano ballad of both utopian visions and bittersweet nostalgia, it's an homage to all the empty hearts in constant search for the meaning of life.”