オルタナバンド Peeping Drexels、'High Heels'のMVを公開

Peeping Drexels
Adam Tunnicliffe

イングランド/ロンドン拠点の5人組 Peeping Drexelsが、3/3にBrace Yourself Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'High Heels'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Joshua Roland。

Shame, Goat Girl, Public Practiceと共演してきた注目バンドで、5/14にEP『Bad Time』を発売します。


“High Heels is a dimly lit journey through the narrow corridors and backrooms of a twisted underground club, all whilst under the influence of an unknown substance. Cinematic inspirations are scattered throughout the lyricism, from ‘Salò’ to the opening scene of ‘Blade’, dropping the listener into a world of sweaty strobe lights and high-class hedonism. The song is the first taste of Peeping Drexels rebirth; experimental new sounds, broader instrumentation, yet pop music to the bone. ‘High Heels’ is a never ending loop of bad-trip fuelled excess, and there is no way to escape”


High Heels
Peeping Drexels
Brace Yourself