オランダ出身のインディーポップバンド Banjiが、11/5にPIAS Recordingsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Listen'のMVを公開!
ディレクターは Pasqual Amade。
Banjiは Morris Brandt, Jasper Meurs, Twan de Roo, Gilles van Weesの4人組。これまでに Vampire Weekend, Balthazarのサポートを務めてます。
今回の新曲は Jeroen De Pessemier (Oscar and the Wolf)が共同制作で参加。はじけるようなキャッチーさが魅力的です。前にやってたバンド Radio Elizaがかっこよかったし今もかっこいいから、気付いたらスパッとブレイクするんだろうな。
“The instrumental to this track felt very lively and energetic. There are a lot of little elements hidden in the music, almost as if they're constantly trying to talk through each other. I took that concept and pictured a couple sitting at a dinner table. 'Listen' ended up being a song about favouring child-like stubbornness over maturity. The inability to filter thoughts, and instead, trying to talk your way out. It's basically me saying to myself 'things would be a lot easier if you just listened’”