フォークシンガー Buck Meek、'Roll Back Your Clocks'を公開

Buck Meek
Robbie Jeffers

ブルックリン拠点のロックバンド Big Thiefのメンバー Buck Meekが、7/15にKeeled Scalesからリリースしたニューシングル 'Roll Back Your Clocks'を公開!

参加メンバーは Austin Vaughn (Here We Go Magic, Luke Temple, Sam Evian), Ken Woodward (Twain, Spirit Family Reunion), Mat Davidson (Twain, The Low Anthem, Spirit Family Reunion), Adam Brisbin (Jolie Holland, Sam Evian, Katie Von Schleicher), Andrew Sarlo (Big Thief, Nick Hakim)。


“a reminder to trust our telepathic instincts, and to value the connection with our loved ones as something that we always have access to, even in solitude, regardless of proximity,” “It felt healing to create, and we hope that it will help bring some sense of peace to you.” - Buck Meek


Roll Back Your Clocks
Buck Meek
Keeled Scales