ポストパンクバンド Teenanger、'Touching Glass'のMVを公開

Jake Sherman

カナダ/トロント出身のポストパンクバンド Teenangerが、7/14にTelephone Explosion Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Touching Glass'のMVを公開!

制作は Jordan Minkoff。

10/2発売予定のニューアルバム『Good Time』の先行曲。


“I was thinking about John Carpenter's 1988 classic "They Live" (starring Roddy Piper) before I wrote these lyrics so I guess I had that plot in the back of my mind. It's pretty straight forward lyrically and partly about the fear of mind control and my frustrations with being tethered to/tired with my phone.” - Melissa Ball


Touching Glass
Telephone Explosion