[DL] The Knocks, Skylar Spenceによる新ユニット Amelia Airhorn、'Miracle'を公開

Amelia Airhorn


ニューヨークを拠点に活動するデュオ The Knocksと、Vaporwaveの海を泳ぎ切ったプロデューサー Skylar Spenceによる新ユニット Amelia Airhornが、デビュー曲 'Miracle'をフリーダウンロードで公開!


“On a dark, glittering summer night in 1992, a girl named Amelia Airhorn stepped into New York City nightlife and never came out. She’s a living and breathing sample, slipping in and out of the hectic thrill of the city — kicked up high-tempo on flashbulbs and disco balls, easing back into the heartbeat of a crowd dancing in a basement and a couple making their way uptown at dawn.”