UKポップの大型新人かもよ!リーズのバンド Clayが新曲 'Stay Calm!'を公開


UKリーズ出身のHarvey兄弟を中心に結成されたインディーポップバンド Clayが、新曲 'Stay Calm!'を公開!

今月は全ライブ High Tydeと一緒だってさ!

When writing this track we wanted a very deep sound sonically. Musically we touched upon people we admire like Michael Jackson for influence. There's obvious nods with the groove of the track.

The song is written from an obsessive viewpoint you know, that idealistic thought of being in love. One of the lines 'Im not gonna change the world overnight' is almost justification for the lyric it precedes, that sort of unsure/ indecisive mindset. But whatever, Stay Calm!
